
Whitelabel is not really whitelabel
I am writing to inform you that those who have a whitelabel plan are currently using a platform that is not completely whitelabel. This certainly causes confusion in customers to whom you resell whitelabel services. There are more than one reason, but they can basically be briefly summarized in the fact that Whitelabel means that every reference to the original software must be customized with the brand of the person reselling the service. I cannot sell a service to a customer and this person finds an email with your colors, logos, company references, and links that refer to cx genie. I think you can agree with me that what you are selling at this time is not a complete whitelabel. I therefore ask you to completely review the whitelabel option to ensure that those who resell your services can be protected in their brand, not lose the trust of customers, and above all do not make customers notice this passage of services through an external supplier. Also in every email we received from the platform, all the variables used in the templates are not replaced leaving the placeholders in plain sight as in the case of {{ contact.EMAIL }} If you allow sending messages from a dedicated smtp, which is absolutely great for those who resell in whitelabel, you should also consider the need to provide a tool to customize the email template data, with logo, link colors, and company information of the company that then actually resells your services. Some information that reports your brand as in the support is already in progress as per our report. And we thank you for the availability. However we believe that the whitelabel solution must be totally whitelabel and not only for some parts of the application.

under review

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